26 August 2022

The OSC will occupy the entire Kigali Convention Center during the week of 23-27 October 2023. The venue has many rooms of varying sizes that can accommodate workshops, meetings, learning labs, townhalls or other events. If you or your organization would like to host an event at the OSC, please fill in the survey form. There is also the option to propose a video for transmission on hybrid platform during breaks and possibly during the conference itself. 

There will be a cost associated with holding side events to cover room rental, A/V, streaming and catering if desired. These costs will be discussed with you at a later date.    

Please submit your proposals. There might be possibilities to propose a side event later, but space is limited and will be distributed on a “first-come, first-served” basis.

  • To download the flyer that provides a brief overview of the conference, click here



To receive information concerning the WCRP OSC 2023, please fill in the form available here, or contact us at wcrp@wmo.int