The following major themes will be covered during the conference
- Theme 1: Advances in Climate Research
Theme leads: Regina Rodrigues, Rowan Sutton, Orli Lachmy
Showcasing progress and future challenges in understanding Earth's climate system, and advances in climate science capacity around the world. Sessions will cover, inter alia, climate processes; gaps identified by IPCC; energy, water and carbon cycles; climate modelling, observations and model-data fusion.
These sessions will be of key interest to the WCRP Core Projects (CliC, CLIVAR, ESMO, GEWEX, SPARC, RifS), Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change (EPESC) and Digital Earths, as well as partner projects such as AIMES, SOLAS and PAGES.
- Theme 2: Human Interactions with Climate
Theme leads: Lisa Alexander, Pierre Friedlingstein, Izidine Pinto
Analyzing key drivers and impacts of climate change (past, current and future), identifying risks to human and ecosystem health. Sessions will cover, inter alia, climate extremes and associated risks and impacts; water availability, food, ecosystems, health and cities in a changing climate.
`These sessions will provide opportunities for the WCRP Core Projects and Lighthouse Activities to interact and build collaborations with sister projects in Future Earth.
- Theme 3: Co-produced Climate Services and Solutions
Theme leads: Cathy Vaughan, Bruce Hewitson, Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla
Connecting scientific knowledge, planning, decision-making and policy processes. Sessions will cover, inter alia, near-term regional and climate change information for adaptation and mitigation; climate scenarios; climate intervention research.
These sessions will be of key interest to projects such as the WCRP-led Regional Information for Climate (RIfS), My Climate Risk and Safe Landing Climate, WCRP Core Projects, as well as other regional climate research activities, climate services and policy makers.
Themes will resonate throughout the plenaries and the 40 parallel sessions. Theme leads will work with session convenors to develop a dynamic and engaging Conference program that is relevant for scientists, practitioners, and policy makers.