Morning Plenary (8:30-10:00)

Climate and the Earth System
Chair: Guy Brasseur (Former WCRP Chair)

  • Valérie Masson-Delmotte (Co-Chair IPCC Working Group I, AR6): A new agenda for climate research:  (Title to be confirmed)
  • Jim Hurrell (WCRP JSC and Co-Lead of WCRP Task Team on Climate Intervention): Potential risks, benefits and impacts of climate intervention

Panel discussion: Future of Climate Knowledge Assessment
Moderator: Thomas Stocker (Professor, Physics Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland, Co-Chair IPCC Working Group I AR5)


  • Panmao Zhai (Co-Chair IPCC Working Group I, AR6) 
  • Mark Howden (Vice-Chair IPCC Working Group II, AR6 and AR7) - Remotely
  • Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (Vice-Chair IPCC, AR7) - Remotely

Evening Dialogue (18:00-18:45)

The Future of Climate Modeling: What is needed to address the scientific and societal challenges of climate change?
: Celeste Saulo  (WMO Secretary-General Elect)

  • Bjorn Stevens (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology): How climate change is transforming climate modeling
  • Katherine Calvin (Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor, NASA) - Remotely : Climate modeling for societal applications

 For the .pdf of the full program (as of 20 October 2023), click here



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