Day 5: Friday 27 October

For the .pdf of the program (as of 20 October 2023), click here.
Note: The program will be updated with allocation of rooms for side events when that is finalised.

8:30 - 10:30 Plenary in the Dome DOME

Conference Closing
Chair/Moderator: Conference Chairs

  • Summary of outcomes and key messages
Looking forward – climate science priorities, needs and challenges
    • Jim Skea (IPCC Chair) Speaker to be confirmed
    • Guy Brasseur (Former WCRP Chair): Future of Climate Science
    • (TBD): Vision from the Early to Mid-Career Researchers' Symposium

Panel discussion: What next, where from here?
Moderator: Diana Ürge-Vorsatz (IPCC Vice Chair)

  • Robert Vautard (IPCC co-chair Working Group 1) - Remotely
  • Bart van den Hurk (IPCC co-chair Working Group 2) - Remotely
  • Kristie Ebi (Future Earth)
  • Amanda Maycock (WCRP/SPARC co-chair)
  • Maxwell Gomera (UNDP representative of Rwanda)
10:30 - 11:00 Break   Tea and coffee break
11:00 - 11:45 Plenary in the Dome DOME Adoption of Conference Statement (Kigali declaration)
11:45 - 13:00 Plenary in the Dome DOME Conference Closing
  • Closing messages from co-sponsors and hosts
    • WCRP co-sponsors
      • Abdulla Al Mandous (President of WMO) - Remotely
      • Peter Gluckman (President of the International Science Council) – Remotely
      • Yutaka Michida (Chair of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) Remotely
    • Rwanda Hosts
  • Closing from Conference Co-Chairs
    • Presentation of Awards
    • Thanks
    • Farewell and Conference formally closes




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