The online poster sessions will take place Monday-Thursday 9-12 October via the Oxford Abstracts hybrid platform, and Monday 16 October for Poster Cluster 06. The online sessions are intended to include both virtual and onsite poster presenters. All uploaded posters will be available via the Poster Gallery in the hybrid platform.
Instructions for uploading posters to the Poster Gallery are available here.
Based on the number of poster presenters registered by the 12 September deadline, a schedule has been created for the online sessions that can be found here. We have tried as much as possible to mimic the onsite AM and PM schedule of parallel sessions and to group together, where possible, Poster Clusters (PCs) and Sessions with similar topics. We have limited the number of posters per session to fit in the time slot available (see below); hence two parallel sessions (S21 and S27) with a very large number of posters have been assigned two online sessions.
The two UTC windows (6:00-8:00 UTC and 15:00-17:00UTC) have been selected to maximize overall participation from around the world, recognizing that early morning UTC sessions will be more attractive to participants from some parts of the world and ditto for the afternoon sessions. We looked at several options but given the logistical constraints, we cannot offer the same session twice per day. The platform will allow asynchronous interaction among poster presenters and other participants, including the possibility for poster presenters to provide a Vimeo/Youtube link where they can record a presentation of their work.
Sessions will be 2 hours and should accommodate up to 30 poster presenters, who will each have 2 minutes for their presentations (2 slides) and 2 minutes for Q&A.  Session moderators will call presenters from the list we will provide of all registered poster presenters for that online session.  If the session runs over 2 hours, we will extend the zoom session.
The online sessions will be run in Zoom via the Conference hybrid platform, with each session as a breakout room, and participants will be free to move from one room to another. All registered OSC delegates will be able to log into Oxford Abstracts and participate in the online poster sessions. All delegates will receive instructions on how to proceed as soon as the hybrid platform opens.



To receive information concerning the WCRP OSC 2023, please fill in the form available here, or contact us at