Wednesday 25 October - Lunchtime

The WCRP Academy is the research training advisory and coordination arm of the WCRP. It is the flagship activity for WCRP´s mission: “to develop, share, and apply climate knowledge that contributes to science, policy and practice” and works to equip current and future climate scientists and practitioners with the knowledge, skills and attributes required to tackle the world’s most pressing and challenging climate research questions.

The Academy does this through assessing requirements for climate research training in various contexts and building enabling mechanisms to facilitate this. It is a hub for climate science training opportunities, a marketplace that connects training providers with scientists and practitioners who are seeking training.

In this side event, we will introduce the Academy and launch our catalogue of climate science training, which collates in-house WCRP training activities and educational materials to the global science community, and seeks to connect external training providers and users of training. 

Furthermore, the event provides the opportunity for Academy members to map the training needs and opportunities space represented at the OSC, which will benefit the work of the Academy as it develops over the next few years.

Name of organizing project/institution:   WCRP Academy

Organizer:  Chris Lennard - University of Cape Town, South Africa and Melissa Hart, University of New South Wales, Australia

Targeted audience: Researchers in various climate science contexts; representatives of WCRP core programmes and LHAs; potential funders of training activities

Attendance: Open to all delegates registered for the WCRP Open Science Conference



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