Tuesday 24 October & Wednesday 25 October - Evening

Introduction: The Community Earth System Model (CESM) version 2, is a state-of-the-art global Earth System Model that can be used for prediction and understanding of a wide variety of aspects of the Earth system. CESM2 is freely available for use by the climate research community making it an ideal tool for Earth System research and education. The capabilities within CESM2 range from idealized models of the atmosphere to comprehensive coupled simulations of the atmosphere, ocean, land, sea-ice, and biogeochemical systems – making it a key tool for supporting leading edge research in climate science. Read more about the CESM model here.

Description: This workshop is intended for new users of the Community Earth System Model v2 (CESM2) who are interested in an introduction to its capabilities.  We will provide attendees with the basic building blocks for use of the model as an earth system science research tool. This will be achieved through a hands-on interactive tutorial on running and configuring CESM2 on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud.

Logistics: The workshop will take place during the WCRP Open Science conference (Oct 23-27, 2023) over two 3-hour evening sessions on Tuesday 24 October & Wednesday 25 October. Participants must bring their own laptops. This event is free-of-charge for participants. It is sponsored through a joint partnership between NCAR, Amazon Web Services, and SilverLining to increase local capacity for earth system modeling and research in Global South countries.  

How to apply: Interested participants are encouraged to apply only once they have registered and paid the registration fee for the main WCRP OS conference.   Please note that we will have room for only 20 participants, and will be looking to admit a balanced cohort.  All career stages are welcome to apply!  Note that participants will need to bring their own laptops.  The deadline to apply is September 1, 2023.  We will send a follow-up survey to selected participants to gauge the level of proficiency with coding environments and operating systems in order to tailor the workshop and pre-workshop prep-work.  To apply, please fill out the google form here to express interest in participating in the workshop.  We will email you requesting proof of WCRP-OS registration to participate.

Name of organizing project/institution: National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), SilverLining

Organizer:  Alicia Karspeck, SilverLining, USA (akarspeck@silverlining.ngo)



To receive information concerning the WCRP OSC 2023, please fill in the form available here, or contact us at WCRP-OSC23@wcrp-climate.org