Virtual oral presenters are requested to submit a recording of their presentation by 16 October at the latest. This would allow the OSC organisers to check the sound and video quality of the recording.

Send the recording (or a link to the file) to Megha Puthucode (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), with copy to Nico Caltabiano (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Use the following filename structure: Your Session_DayX_Your Surname, where X is the day of your talk. Example: DomePlenary_Day23Oct_Caltabiano, or S10_Day26Oct_Caltabiano

Technical requirements

  • File format: please save your recording as .mp4
  • Resolution: video should ideally be on 1080p
  • Orientation of the recording: landscape
  • Sound: please use a headset with microphone, or a dedicated good quality microphone

Few tips for the recording

  • Find a quiet place to do your recording.
    • Avoid times of day with too many interruptions
    • Use a space without loud background noise
  • Make sure the room has good lighting
    • Don’t sit in front of a window
    • Turn on a few lights to keep shot well lit, not dark
  • Make a short test recording
    • You may want to use Zoom or Teams to record your talk, where you can also share your slides during the recording; MS PowerPoint is also an alternative
    • You’ll need a webcam and microphone
    • Review the test recording for sound quality, good lighting
  • Use Landscape, not Portrait
    • If using phone or tablet, rotate device to record in landscape mode, rather than portrait. This is much better for viewing.

Hybrid platform

Virtual oral presenters should be available for live Q&A in the Session where your talk is being presented. The WCRP Open Science Conference will be a fully hybrid and access to the Zoom sessions requires that every participant is registered to the WCRP Open Science Conference to access the hybrid platform. To register, click here.

For any issues, please contact Nico Caltabiano (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)



To receive information concerning the WCRP OSC 2023, please fill in the form available here, or contact us at