On site presenters should send their slides (in pptx or pdf format) no later than 19 October to Megha Puthucode (mputhucode@wmo.int ), with copy to Nico Caltabiano (avazcaltabiano@wmo.int ).
- Format: .pdf or pptx
- Aspect ratio 16:9 or 16:10
- Resolution 1920x1080
- Video format : .mp4
Use the following filename structure: SessionX_DayX_Your Surname, where X is the day of your talk. Example: Session32_Day4_Caltabiano.
If you make changes to your presentation, please add .version2. There will be a speaker ready room at the KCC where you can check you slides and make any last minute changes if necessary.
For any issues, please contact Nico Caltabiano (avazcaltabiano@wmo.int )