To know more about the Themes Leads, click on their names.

Theme 1: Advances in Climate Research

Regina Rodrigues is a Professor of Physical Oceanography and Climate at the Federal University of Santa Caterina, Brazil. She is the co-chair of the new WCRP Lighthouse Activity My Climate Risk and the CLIVAR Atlantic Region Panel. She is a member of the editorial board of Nature Communication Earth & Environment and the IPCC WGIII. Her research interests include understanding how tropical ocean basins interact and affect the extra-tropics leading to extreme events, using observations and modelling.
Link to linkedin:
Rowan Sutton is Professor of Climate Science and Research Dean, Environment at the University of Reading, UK, and a senior scientist in the UK’s National Centre for Atmospheric Science. He is Co-Chair of the World Climate Research Programme Lighthouse Activity on Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change. His research interests focus on ocean-atmosphere interactions, climate variability, predictability and risk assessment with a particular interest in the North Atlantic/European region.
Dr. Orli Lachmy is a lecturer for Earth Sciences at the Department of Natural Sciences in the Open University of Israel. She is interested in the general atmospheric circulation, and specifically the interactions between the mean meridional circulation, the atmospheric jet streams and midlatitude storm tracks. I study the variability of the jet stream and storm tracks and their response to climate change using idealized numerical models and data analysis of observations and climate model output.
To learn more about Dr. Orli Lachmy, click here


Theme 2: Human Interactions with Climate

Prof. Lisa Alexander is a researcher in the Climate Change Research Centre and ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, UNSW Sydney, Australia. Her main research focusses on observed climate variability and change with particular interest in dataset development, model evaluation and climate extremes. She has been a member of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) since 2019.
Prof. Pierre Friedlingstein was appointed as a member of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) in 2019. He is also a Co-chair of the Scientific Steering Group of the WCRP Grand Challenge on Carbon Feedbacks in the Climate System.
Pierre is a Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit recipient, he holds a Chair in Mathematical Modelling of the Climate System at the University of Exeter. His research interests are in the field of global biogeochemical cycles and their interaction with the climate system. More specifically, he is interested in the role biogeochemical cycles in the climate system over time scales ranging from glacial-interglacial to future IPCC-like projections. For future climate projections, he identified a positive feedback between climate change and the carbon cycle and developed a mathematical framework for climate-carbon feedbacks analysis. He is also involved in the development and evaluation of land surface models (JULES) and their inclusion in Earth System Models.
Izidine Pinto is climate researcher at the Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) and a technical advisor at the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre. His research interests are in modelling of extreme weather events, detection and attribution, contributing to more accurate information, and ultimately to improve decision making and disaster risk reduction. He contributed to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report WG1.


Theme 3: Co-produced Climate Services and Solutions

Cathy Vaughan is the Director of Learning, Innovation and Research for USAID’s Climate Adaptation Support Activity. Prior to this, she served as the Associate Director for Monitoring & Evaluation at Columbia World Projects and spent more than a decade at Columbia’s International Research Institute for Climate and Society, where she was the founding program manager for the Climate Services Partnership, among other roles. Cathy holds a PhD from Leeds University. 
Bruce Hewitson is a Director of the Climate System Analysis Group at the University of Cape Town. His research interests and activities include regional climate change, climate modeling and downscaling, capacity development, regional climate information for decision makers, and climate services with an Africa perspective. He has been active in the development of the new WCRP Core Project Regional Information for Society which he currently co-chairs.

Dr. Mouhamadou Bamba Sylla is the AIMS-Canada Research Chair in Climate Change Science at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences based in Kigali, Rwanda. His area of expertise is climate modeling, climate change and climate information services.

Dr. Sylla has participated to the IPCC Assessment Report 6 where he acted as a Lead Author for WG1 Chapter 12, a contributing author for WG1 Chapter 11 and WG1 Atlas, and a contributing author for the WG2 Chapter 9: Africa. Prior to this,

Dr. Sylla worked at WASCAL as a Director of Research and Senior Scientist in climate modeling and climate change, at Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles USA as a Lecturer and Research Scholar, and at the ICPT Trieste Italy as a postdoc.



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